Prepositional Verbs
Verbs with Preposition: TO
Adapt to
Add to
Agree to
Apologize to
Belong to
Consent to
Devote to
Happen to
Lead to
Listen to
Object to
React to
Refer to
Reply to
Speak to
Talk to
Turn to
Verbs + Preposition:
Admire for
Apologize for
Apply for
Ask for
Blame for
Care for
Excuse for
Head for
Long for
Pay for
Pray for
Prepare for
Scold for
Search for
Vote for
Wait for
Wish for
Work for
Verbs + Preposition: FROM
Abstain from
Borrow from
Escape from
Graduate from
Hide from
Infer from
Prevent from
Prohibit from
Protect from
Recover from
Rescue from
Resign from
Retire from
Save from
Separate from
Stem from
Suffer from
Verbs with Preposition: ON
Agree on
Base on
Be on
Bestow on
Blame on
Comment on
Concentrate on
Congratulate on
Count on
Depend on
Elaborate on
Impose on
Insist on
Play on
Pride on
Rely on
Work on
Verb Preposition: AT
Aim at
Arrive at
Glance at
Guess at
Hint at
Laugh at
Look at
Marvel at
Peer at
Point at
Smile at
Stare at
Wink at
Verb + Preposition: ABOUT
Argue about
Ask about
Be about
Boast about
Care about
Concern about
Decide about
Dream about
Forget about
Know about
Laugh about
Protest about
Think about
Worry about
Verbs + Preposition: WITH
Acquaint with
Agree with
Associate with
Charge with
Clutter with
Coincide with
Collide with
Compare with
Comply with
Confront with
Confuse with
Cover with
Cram with
Deal with
Discuss with
Help with
Tamper with
Trust with
Verbs with Prepositions: IN
Absorb in
Arrive in
Be engrossed in
Believe in
Confide in
Implicate in
Involve in
Participate in
Persist in
Result in
Specialize in
Succeed in
Trust in