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Step 8


O que eu fiz ontem

Escute e repita as frases a medida que o diálogo vai avançando. Quando conseguir reproduzir no mesmo ritmo, avance para o próximo.

00:00 / 00:09

1- How was your day yesterday? - Como foi o seu dia ontem?
My day was increbible yesterday. - O meu dia foi incrível ontem.
I did many things with my friends because it was Sunday. - Fiz muitas coisas com meus amigos porque era domingo.

00:00 / 00:06

2- Tell me everything you and your friends did yesterday. - Conte-me tudo o que você e seus amigos fizeram ontem. 
I'm going to tell you in details what we did yesterday. - Vou contar em detalhes o que fizemos ontem.

00:00 / 00:17

3- I woke up around 9 a.m. I brushed my teeth and washed my face as usual. - Acordei por volta das 9 da manhã, escovei os dentes e lavei o rosto como de costume.
After that, I made some toasts and an omelete with tomatoes and ham. - Depois fiz umas torradas e uma omelete com tomate e presunto.
I had my breakfast and decided to call my friends to invite them for a fun Sunday together. - Tomei meu café da manhã e resolvi ligar para meus amigos e convidá-los para um domingo divertido juntos.

00:00 / 00:21

4- First, I called Pamela and she loved the idea about spending the day together.- Primeiro liguei para Pamela e ela adorou a idéia de passar o dia juntos.
She told me that she was going to leave earlier because she had to go to a dinner with her boyfriend. - Ela disse que ia sair mais cedo porque tinha que ir jantar com o namorado.
After I called Pamela, I phoned Jian and invited him to join us. - Depois de ligar para Pamela, liguei para Jian e o convidei para se juntar a nós. 
He said he was free the whole day and ready to have fun. - Ele disse que estava livre o dia todo e pronto para se divertir.

00:00 / 00:23

5- I picked up Pamela and Jian at their houses, and I suggested going to a beautiful park near the river. - Fui buscar Pamela e Jian em suas casas e sugeri que fôssemos a um lindo parque perto do rio.
They loved the idea, so we went straight to the park. - Eles adoraram a ideia, então fomos direto para o parque.
We arrived there and sat on the grass to relax and get some sun. - Chegamos lá e sentamos na grama para relaxar e tomar sol.
We talked about many things for a couple of hours, but they felt hungry and suggested eating at a restaurant nearby.  - Conversamos sobre muitas coisas por um par de horas, mas eles sentiram fome e sugeriram que fossemos a um restaurante próximo.

00:00 / 00:17

6- At the restaurant, we ate delicious  Sunday dishes, taked a lot and finally had our favorite desserts. - No restaurante, comemos deliciosos pratos de domingo, comemos muito e por fim comemos nossas sobremesas favoritas.
Pamela asked for some coffee because she is addicted to it. - Pamela pediu um café porque é viciada em café.
Jian received a call from his mother. 

She wanted to know if he was having fun. - Jian recebeu um telefonema de sua mãe. Ela queria saber se ele estava se divertindo.

00:00 / 00:21

7- After our extended lunch, we rode bikes along the river banks where a lot of people go on Sundays. - Após o almoço prolongado, pedalamos ao longo das margens do rio, onde muitas pessoas vão aos domingos.
We rode bikes for a couple of hours and saw a lot of beautiful things along the river. - Andamos de bicicleta por algumas horas e vimos muitas coisas bonitas ao longo do rio.  
I am sure we burned all the calories we had for lunch. - Tenho certeza de que queimamos todas as calorias do almoço.
We stopped to drink a little water and started riding the bikes again. - Paramos para beber um pouco d'água e começamos a andar de bicicleta novamente.

00:00 / 00:20

8- Pamela left us after riding bikes because she was already late for her date.- Pamela nos deixou depois de andar de bicicleta porque já estava atrasada para o encontro.
After the dinner, Pamela called me and told me that her boyfriend proposed to her. - Depois do jantar, Pamela me ligou e disse que seu namorado a pediu em casamento. 
She cried on the phone because she was really happy with the proposal. - Ela chorou ao telefone porque estava muito feliz com o pedido de casamento.
She invited me to be her best man and  I happily accepted it. - Ela me convidou para ser seu padrinho e eu aceitei com alegria.

00:00 / 00:19

9- Jian and I stayed a little more because we wanted to see the sunset. - Jian e eu ficamos mais um pouco porque queríamos ver o pôr do sol. 
We sat on a bench and contamplated the sunset which was absolutely beautiful. - Sentamos em um banco e contamos o pôr do sol que estava absolutamente lindo.
After the sunset was over, we decided to go home. He still needed to stop at his mother's house to give her a kiss before heading home. - Depois que o pôr do sol acabou, decidimos voltar para casa. Ele ainda precisava parar na casa de sua mãe para beijá-la antes de voltar para casa.

00:00 / 00:23

10- I arrived home, took a long shower to relax a bit. - Cheguei em casa, tomei um longo banho para relaxar um pouco.
I prepared a light dinner and ate it while watching tv. - Preparei um jantar leve e comi enquanto assistia TV.
After dinner, I organized some stuff for Monday, put on my pajamas,brushed my teeth and went to bed. - Depois do jantar, organizei algumas coisas para segunda-feira, coloquei meu pijama, escovei os dentes e fui para a cama.
I was really tired, but every minute was worth it because I had a wonderful Sunday with my friends. - Estava muito cansado, mas cada minuto valeu a pena porque tive um domingo maravilhoso com meus amigos.


Pratique, em voz alta, nas 3 velocidades várias vezes!

Accelerate 1
Accelerate 2
Accelerate 3

Hey guys! How was your day yesterday?
I hope your day was great because I had an incredible day yesterday.
I did many things with my best friends.
I'm telling you about it in details.
I woke up around 9 a.m., I brushed my teeth and washed my face as usual. 
I had my breakfast and decided to call my friends to invite them for a fun Sunday together.
First, I called Pamela and she loved the idea about spending the day together.
After I called Pamela, I phoned Jian and invited him to join us.
I picked up Pamela and Jian at their houses, and I suggested going to a beautiful park near the river.
We didn't have anything planned after that, but we decided to go to a restaurant to have lunch together.
We chose a fantastic restaurant right next to the park.
I didn't eat much cause I'm doing a diet, but Jian eat a lot cause the food was  really delicious.
After our extended lunch, we rode bikes along the river banks where a lot of people go on Sundays.
Pamela left us after riding bikes because she was already late for her date.
Jian and I stayed a little more because we wanted to see the sunset.
It was a perfect Sunday.
Talk to you later!

Teste 8

Agora você precisa reescrever  o diálogo acima com as suas informações e ler, em voz alta durante a gravação.

Para gravar, basta habilitar o microfone abaixo e reproduzir o dálogo naturalmente.
Quando terminar, envie o áudio para que o professor avalie e direcione ao próximo passo.

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