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Step 9


O que eu estava fazendo

Escute e repita as frases a medida que o diálogo vai avançando. Quando conseguir reproduzir no mesmo ritmo, avance para o próximo.

00:00 / 00:09

1- How was your day yesterday? - Como foi o seu dia ontem?
My day was increbible yesterday. - O meu dia foi incrível ontem.
I did many things with my friends because it was Sunday. - Fiz muitas coisas com meus amigos porque era domingo.

00:00 / 00:08

2- Tell me everything you and your friends did yesterday. - Conte-me tudo o que você e seus amigos fizeram ontem. 
I'm going to tell you in details what we did  hour by hour yesterday. - Vou contar em detalhes o que fizemos hora a hora ontem.

00:00 / 00:17

3- I was sleeping comfortably in my bed when the alarm went off at 9 a.m. yesterday. - Eu estava dormindo confortavelmente na minha cama quando o alarme disparou às 9h de ontem. 

At 9:15 I was brushing my teeth and thinking about what to have for breakfast. - Às 9:15 eu estava escovando os dentes e pensando no que comer no café da manhã.
At 9:30 I looked outside, the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. - Às 9:30 olhei para fora e o sol estava brilhando e a temperatura estava perfeita.

00:00 / 00:15

4- At 9:30 I was preparing an omelete and some toasts to have for breakfast. - Às 9:30 eu estava preparando uma omelete e algumas torradas para o café da manhã.
Around 10 a.m. I was speaking with my friends and inviting them to spend the day with me. - Por volta das 10h, estava conversando com meus amigos e os convidando para passar o dia comigo.
They were finishing their breakfast  when I called them. - Eles estavam terminando o café da manhã quando eu liguei para eles.

00:00 / 00:15

5- At 10:30 I was driving to my friends' houses to pick them up. - Ás 10:30 eu estava dirigindo até a casa dos meus amigos para buscá-los.
By 11 a.m we were already walking at the park. - Por volta das11, nós já estávamos caminhando no parque.
We were sitting on the grass, talking and having fun together when we felt hungry around noon. - Estávamos sentados na grama, conversando e nos divertindo juntos, quando sentimos fome por volta do meio-dia.

00:00 / 00:15

6- At 12:30 p.m we were having lunch at  a delicious restaurant. - Às 12:30 pm nós estavamos almoçando em um restaurante delicioso.
From 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., we were there talking, trying delicious dishes and having a great time. Dás 12:30 ás 2:30, nós estavamos lá conversando, experimentando pratos deliciosos e nos divertindo muito.

00:00 / 00:15

7- From 3  to 6 p.m. we were riding bikes along the river banks.- Das 15h às 18h estávamos andando de bicicleta ao longo das margens do rio.
Some kids were playing soccer with their parents, others were having picnics and some others were just walking there. - Algumas crianças jogavam futebol com os pais, outras fazendo piqueniques e outras apenas passeavam por lá.
We were burning all the calories from our fat lunch. - Estávamos queimando todas as calorias do nosso lanche gordo.

00:00 / 00:15

8-At about 6 p.m. Pamela was going back home cause she had to go to a date. - Por volta das 18h00 Pamela estava voltando para casa porque ela tinha que ir a um encontro.   

Jian and I were just relaxing there waiting for the sunset. - Jian e eu estávamos apenas relaxando esperando o pôr do sol.   

We were watching the sunset from 6 to 7 p.m. then we left.- Estávamos assistindo ao pôr do sol das 18h às 19h. então nós partimos.

00:00 / 00:15

9- At about 8 p.m I was already back home taking a long shower. - Por volta das 20h, eu já estava de volta em casa tomando um longo banho.
At 8:30 I was cooking something light to eat for dinner. - Às 8:30 eu estava cozinhando algo leve para comer no jantar.
From 9 to 10:30 p.m. I was watching TV while checking my emails on my computer. - Das 21h às 22h30 eu estava assistindo TV enquanto checava meus e-mails no computador.

00:00 / 00:12

10- At 10:30 I was putting my pajamas on and getting prepared to go to bed. - Às 10:30 eu estava colocando meu pijama e me preparando para ir para a cama.
From 11 to 11:30 p.m., I was reading a book and can't remember anything else till this morning. - Das 11 às 11:30, eu estava lendo um livro e não me lembro de mais nada até esta manhã.


Pratique, em voz alta, nas 3 velocidades várias vezes!

Accelerate 1
Accelerate 2
Accelerate 3

Hi folks!
What a perfect Sunday I had yesterday with my friends.
I remember every single detail about it.
I was sleeping comfortably in my bed when the alarm went off at 9 a.m. yesterday.
At 9:30 I looked outside, the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect.
Around 10 a.m. I was speaking with my friends and inviting them to spend the day with me. 
At 10:30 I was driving to my friends' houses to pick them up.
By 11 a.m. we were already walking at the park.
At 12:30 p.m we were having lunch at a delicious restaurant.
From 3  to 6 p.m. we were riding bikes along the river banks.
Some kids were playing soccer with their parents, others we're having picnics and some others were just walking there.
At about 6 p.m. Pamela was going back home cause she had to go to a date.
At about 8 p.m I was already back home taking a long shower.
I can't wait to have another perfect Sunday next weekend.
See you later, guys.

Teste 9

Agora você precisa reescrever  o diálogo acima com as suas informações e ler, em voz alta durante a gravação.

Para gravar, basta habilitar o microfone abaixo e reproduzir o dálogo naturalmente.
Quando terminar, envie o áudio para que o professor avalie e direcione ao próximo passo.

Aceleramos o Seu Inglês!

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